As OD Practitioners, our goal is to support organizations by enabling systemic changes that impact profitability, reduce cost, and promote employee loyalty by offering interventions and solutions customized to address specific client needs.
We strive to help our clients to improve organizational effectiveness and efficiency by focusing on the following areas:
Organization Culture
The Leadership Journey
Teams and Silo's
Pragmatic in our approach and obsessed with delivering results, we design and implement customized interventions using a structured application of behavioural science knowledge, industry expertise, psychometrics and analytics.
Leadership Solutions for Organizations
Our core services under OD consulting and leadership include a wide range of customized interventions that support the development of people, organizational systems and processes.

Leadership Journey
At Wisnes, we begin with the assertion that there are no short cuts to leadership development and when it comes to leadership, the 'cookie-cutter' approach is an absolute non-starter. The success of each leadership program is highly contextual - just because something works for one organization (or for a particular individual) is no guarantee that it will work for another. We focus on creating a match between the individual and the culture before honing requisite skills and critical behaviors.
We know every organization has its own unique culture, just as each individual leader has his or her unique characteristics and personality traits. Our leadership development programs are specifically designed to address the different needs of individuals at different stages of their careers.
The Wisnes leadership journey moves participants through the following stages:
- Personal Narratives and Interpretations
- Self Awareness through Self Exploration
- Personal Values and Leadership Principles in Action
- Integrating Achievement Orientation with Intrinsic Motivation
- Building Support Systems
- Staying Grounded
- Empowerment and Succession Planning

When teams of people with complementary skills mutually cooperate to accomplish goals, nothing remains impossible. At Wisnes we believe that effective teamwork is the foundation for building a successful organization and effective teams are always aware of and responsive to both their internal and their external environment.
Our workshops work well in both classroom settings and outdoor environments and are built around identifying pressing and crucial issues, improving rapport, relationships and productivity as well as dealing with more complex issues such as conflicts, negotiations and external changes.
We help to diagnose problems and opportunities, prevent failure and dramatically increase your team’s chances of success through interventions that monitor your team’s strengths and challenges and create space for open and honest dialogue by focusing on five key areas:
Goals: What is the team’s vision and what do they collectively aspire to achieve.
Roles: The part each member plays in achieving the goal and their individual strengths.
Procedures: The methods that help the team conduct its work together, communicate and share information.
Relationships: How the team members prefer to interact with each other and what can help them build a supportive and trusting environment.
Leadership: How the leader supports the team in achieving results.

Executive Presence
Executive Presence, or being perceived as leadership material, is reflected in the energy and image you convey along with your understanding of what works and what doesn’t. Leaders with a strong presence will intuitively know what will cultivate loyalty and approval. They also recognize how to avoid coming off as egotistical insecure and insensitive.
Our workshops around executive presence cover three main areas:
- Gravitas: The ability to project confidence, poise under pressure, and decisiveness.
- Communication: Excellent speaking skills, assertiveness, and the ability to read an audience or situation.
- Appearance: Highlight the art of poise and effective visual branding. Help participants define their own style statement that can visually convey their desired self-brand image.

Organization Culture
Any analysis of the critical issues that stand in the way of the company’s achievement of their strategic goals reveals one root issue; “What kind of a company do you want to be?” This is the glue that holds the organization departments together and serves clear guiding principles for the behaviours of organization members.
This understanding forms the cornerstone of our interventions around organization culture where we follow the EDRI approach (Express, Disseminate, Role Model and Integrate).
Our interventions involve co-creating the organization’s core values, mission, vision, employee engagement, service excellence and coaching and mentoring policies. Facilitating an environment that can bring together members who are highly diverse in their personalities and styles, we help them address key questions that manifest unresolved cultural conflicts.
- Structure: Should we be centralized or decentralized?
- Strategy: Should we compete on the basis of cost leadership or differentiation?
- Control: How much autonomy should the divisions have?

Leading Change
We believe that successful change initiatives are led and not merely managed. Working closely with our clients, we ensure that all changes are thoroughly and smoothly implemented to achieve lasting benefits.
Our interventions focus on the wider impacts of change, particularly on people and how they, as individuals and teams, move from the current situation to the new one. The change in question could range from a simple process change, to major changes in policy or strategy.
Starting with addressing the core question, “Who is responsible?” we use various behavioural tools during our workshops to cover the following aspects crucial to leading change:
- Clear expression of the vision
- Identification of key change agents and/or ambassadors.
- Planning involvement, activities and communication
- Assessing the impact of the change on people and the organization's structure.
- Ensuring that people involved and affected by the change understand the process and have access to help and support during times of uncertainty and upheaval.
- Identifying and agreeing on the success indicators for the change.
- Ensuring regular measurement and follow-up.
“Willingness to change is a strength, even if it means plunging part of the company into total confusion for a while.”-Jack Welch

Coaching & Mentoring
Performance Coaching
We believe coaching is about moving forward through learning and change to reach a specific destination or goal.
At Wisnes we follow the contemporary coaching approach based on ICF ideologies that involves a coaching dialogue between coach and coachee (the person receiving coaching), followed by concrete actions.
Mentoring is a powerful development tool that helps in career progression, succession planning and provides an opportunity to learn from experiences. Mentoring creates a partnership between two people (mentor and mentee) who work in a similar field or share similar experiences and challenges.
At Wisnes we offer guidelines and provide training for mentors and mentees through our custom designed mentoring training programs based on the principles of inspiring, motivating and challenging to focus on each organization’s unique need and demands.

Global Business
Invisible cultural rules and norms govern business interactions at every step and impact every aspect of business from how we communicate and interpret messages to what makes us feel respected or slighted in a relationship at work and the decisions and choices we make.
The impact gets magnified when people from different nationalities attempt to work together. This is often the primary reason behind highly skilled and talented individuals failing to achieve targets when working in a cross-cultural environment.
Our Global Business interventions use specific modules designed to recognize and respond to the fact that culture is one of the most important influences shaping Global Business, and is therefore a vital point of engagement for increasing knowledge, understanding and respect for diversity and differences among employees who interact with global partners and serve customers from various countries and diverse cultural backgrounds.
These modules enable employees to:
- Become aware of how culture impacts their own behaviour and decisions.
- Understand their global partner’s cultural influences and behaviour.
- Enhance their understanding about the differences in cultural backgrounds and their impact.
- Empower them to be more inclusive and interpret communication through the client’s cultural lens.
- Be more effective in multicultural environments and transact business assignments with ease.
"I do not wish my house to be walled on all sides and my windows stuffed. I want the cultures of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible."-Mahatma Gandhi

Breakthrough Events
You know where you want to be and the dream you were born to follow. Yet, something stops you from taking that first step towards your goal. There is a little voice inside your head that screams every time you begin to try:
“It is impossible!”
“It’s beyond my control”!
“I’ll look like a fool and people will laugh at me”!
“I’m not experienced enough” or “I don’t have the right skills”
“Everyone will know how imperfect I really am when I fail”
Sounds familiar? Happens to all of us! At Wisnes we know how very often it’s these internal barriers and limiting beliefs that keep even the most talented people from succeeding.
We use compelling breakthrough techniques to help participants overcome their limiting beliefs and provide a jumpstart to their success story. Our programs are carefully designed to build a safe environment that encourages self-confidence, participation and exploration.
"The outer limit of your potential is determined solely by your own beliefs and your own confidence in what you think is possible." -– Brian Tracy
Psychometric Assessments
We use a range of assessment products and instruments to improve team performance, develop leaders, resolve conflict and build effective interpersonal relationships at work.
Cubiks In-depth Personality Questionnaire (CIPQ): This self-report questionnaire is designed to assess the main underlying aspects of an individual’s personality. The assessment gives a full interpretation of each respondent’s profile covering 17 distinct personality areas, grouped to cover the recognised ‘Big Five’ personality dimensions. Designed for the purposes of both selection and development CIPQ provide organisations with very useful insights into an individual's typical behaviour, strengths, development needs, and an understanding of how they deal with stressful situations.
Personality and Preference Inventory (PAPI™): This leading work related personality assessment is globally used by HR professionals and managers to evaluate the behaviour and preferred work styles of individuals operating at all levels. Using an interactive online questionnaire, PAPI maps out an individual’s personality, providing information about their preferences and typical behavior at work. This provides useful insight into individual qualities needed to be successful in a role, a team, or a business culture and enables areas for development to be identified.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® (MBTI ®) STEP I & STEP II: This is a versatile assessment that provides insight into one's personality, motivations, natural strengths, and potential areas of growth. Using a relatively short, non-invasive forced-choice questionnaire, the tool helps individuals gain a conscious understanding of their thinking and communication preferences vis-a-vis other people. It has a wide range of applications to enable growth and development within organizations, including team building, career exploration, conflict management, retention, and leadership and coaching.
Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behaviour ™ (FIRO-B ®): This is a highly effective assessment that helps people better understand their behavior and the impact it has on other individuals and in team settings. The tool offers critical insights that help leaders, managers, and individuals in organizations understand their natural style and the impact it has on the way they communicate and the way others perceive them. This assessment answers questions relating to teamwork and leadership potential, and is used to improve communication, team building, development, leadership and coaching.
Simulation Exercises
At Wisnes we use various simulation exercises that accurately assess how individuals perform in the areas central to everyday business life. These interactive and highly engaging exercises simulate work-related tasks in a business environment, demonstrating each participant’s competencies in a realistic setting.
Our custom designed simulation exercises include role plays, presentations, business cases and group exercises that deliver a clear insight into how a participant will genuinely respond to issues and tasks commonly faced in the workplace. In addition to this, our simulation exercises offer the candidates an authentic experience that leads to an understanding of what is expected of them within their roles.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Our modules based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques prove useful in virtually every aspect of personal and organizational development. These powerful and easy-to-use tools enable participants to enhance their skills in areas such as communication, presentation, negotiation, rapport building, sales and customer service.
By creating greater awareness and control of oneself as well as a better appreciation of other people’s feelings and behavioural, NLP techniques provide a practical approach to dealing with stress and conflict. Using NLP also facilitates increased self-belief, assertiveness and confidence.
Large group interventions (LGI)
We firmly believe that for any transformation or vision to succeed, the organisation as a whole must choose to move together towards a desired future.
Using LGIs, or large group interactive events we successfully involve the whole organization (or a significant representation of the organization) in the transformation or change process. Through facilitating participative conversations, we create a shared understanding around system-wide issues which makes it possible for everyone to collaboratively determine the actions needed for strategic change to occur. This in turn allows for a whole-system transformation to take place more quickly and effectively and builds an organization wide commitment towards the shared goal.
Surveys & Diagnostics
An organization is known by its people, culture and the subtle systemic behaviour that can only be studies or assessed either in a naturalistic setting or through conversations.
At Wisnes, we believe in decoding the DNA of every individual, team and organization in order to support and enhance systems. Surveys and diagnostics serve as handy tools in initiating the process of organizational management and development.
Through a team of specialists, we design in-house survey tools and diagnostic measures in form of structured questionnaires, interview guides, 360 degree feedback, general health index surveys, organizational development diagnostics, competency mapping, assessment centre etc. We are also adept at collecting behavioural data through personal interviews and focus group discussions. Our survey tools and diagnostic measures provide in-depth solutions. From creating selection tools, running an assessment centre to creating team interventions and spotting the hi-pot in the system, we do it all.
Experiential Learning
Our experiential learning interventions purposefully engage participants in direct experience and focused reflection. Using specific hands-on activities and tools that can be used both in a classroom as well as an outdoor setting, we promote a fun, interactive learning environment that focuses on developing knowledge, skills, and values from direct experiences outside a traditional academic setting.
All our modules encompass a variety of well-planned, supervised and assessed experiential learning activities that stimulate inquiry by creating an awareness of individual behaviour and its effects on a team.
By providing opportunities to take initiative, make decisions, and be accountable for the results, these experiential learning sessions engage participants intellectually, creatively, emotionally and physically to provide opportunities for learning from natural consequences, mistakes, and successes.
Our Approach
At Wisnes we believe in the potential of each individual and organization to be the best. With this belief as our core, we support organizations as they desire to progress from the existing state to the ideal future state.
We understand how organizations are a complex system of systems that exist within a larger system, each of which has its own attributes and degrees of alignment. Our OD interventions in these systems are inclusive and customized approaches to strategic planning, organization design, leadership development, change management, performance management, coaching, diversity, and work/life balance.
As OD practitioners, we work to improve the effectiveness of organizations and their people by:
- Initiating contact with key personnel in the organizations.
- Researching and evaluating systems in the organization to understand dysfunctions and/or goals of the systems.
- Identifying approaches or interventions to improve effectiveness of the organization and its people.
- Applying approaches to improve effectiveness methods of "planned change" in the organization.
- Following up and evaluating the on-going effectiveness of the approaches and their results.

Dashboard Simulations have developed a world class portfolio of 12 proven business simulation games all of which can be rapidly tailored for any organisational branding, business rules, operational data and language/terminology/context.
Dashboard Simulation supercharges learning and behaviour change through team-based simulation games which use both intra-team collaboration and inter-team competition to produce significant, measurable improvements in the participants’ performance back at the workplace.
Dashboard and Wisnes OD are strategic partners in delivering business simulation games for management and leadership development in the Indian marketplace.
New Haven Consulting Group,Inc
www.nhcg.comA US based Consulting Organization, which provides unique and lasting 'learning experiences' that go beyond traditional classroom methods.

Jagat Rathore
Managing PartnerAn Organization Development practitioner and consultant, Jagat Rathore focuses on co-creating systemic change and improving organizational effectiveness through custom designed interventions in the areas of Leadership, Team Excellence, Change Management, Organization Culture Change, and Whole System Transformation. He designs and leads interventions around key managerial skills such as critical thinking, creativity & problems solving, decision making, key account management, negotiation, etc.
Over the last 10 years, Jagat has worked with clients across industry sectors including Manufacturing, Media, Telecom, Pharmaceuticals, Insurance, Financial Institutions, IT, Infrastructure, FMCG, BPO/KPO, and Consulting. He has significant international exposure and is comfortable working in a multicultural environment, having worked for several years in the US and Dubai.
His focus areas in the organization development domain revolve around the following:
- Organisation Culture: Vision, Mission and Values
- Leadership Development & Executive Presence
- Team Excellence
- Attitude & Mind-set Change
- Executive & Performance coaching
Skilled in various behavioural change tools, Jagat draws on a combination of sources, including Psychometrics, Group Dynamics, Systems Theory, Large Group Intervention (LGI) tools like Appreciative Inquiry & Future Search, NLP, and Improvisational Theatre techniques while designing OD interventions and leading change initiatives
As a coach, Jagat strikes a fine balance between boldness and empathy to offer a uniquely personal touch. He has worked extensively with senior leadership teams across sectors and especially enjoys working with entrepreneurs. Jagat has several years of experience with Executive Coaching and Life Coaching using both the ICF coaching model and the NLP coaching model. He also offers personal Break-Through sessions to individuals committed to personal development and professional success.
In addition to being a certified Master Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnotherapy, Jagat is certified on various psychometric tools like the MBTI, FIRO-B, PAPI, CIPQ and Enneagram. He has been a guest faculty member at ISB, Hyderabad for Leadership Development Programs, and has been invited for guest sessions at the MDI, Gurgaon.
Over the past few years, Jagat has designed and led interventions using Psychometric tools and Large Group Intervention tools with the following organisations:
Vodafone | Airtel |
ACC Cement | McKinsey and Co |
MSD Pharma Pvt Ltd (an affiliate of Merck & Co. Inc., USA.) | Alstom |
NSN (Nokia Siemens) | Abbott Laboratories |
Novartis | Bharati Infratel |
BMR Advisors | Oriflame India |
Oracle | Canon India |
PSI (a non-profit global health organization headquartered in Washington D.C., USA) | Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories |
Gatewayrail Freight & Logistics | Ranbaxy |
GSK | Reckitt-Benckiser |
Fullerton India (a Temasek Group company) | Tata Teleservices Limited |
Idea Cellular | The Times Group (Times of India) |
JSPL (Jindal Steel and Power Ltd) | Uninor |
Maruti Suzuki | Vodafone |
Microsoft India | Zydus Cadila |

Keya Rathore
Senior ConsultantAn ICF accredited Executive Coach and Practitioner of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Keya has been involved with designing and delivering various interventions in the area of Leadership Development, Team Effectiveness and Organization Culture and System. She has experience with conducting Assessment and Development Centers, and is skilled in Large Group Interventions using the Appreciative Inquiry Model.
Keya’s is an established authority on cross culture dynamics and has created course content around Culture Sensitivity and Culture Orientation for several multinational corporations. Her work has been validated by Oxford University professors and is an integral part of the people development programs at WNS.
Experiential learning using the outbound and adventure model is another area in which Keya has successfully lead interventions for various corporate organizations. She also conducts break-through events using action metaphors like Firewalking, Arrow Break and Board Breaking to enhance the impact of training interventions.
As a facilitator, Keya’s strength lies in her understanding of group dynamics and her ability to connect quickly with people. Her high-energy facilitation style combined with her innate ability to engage participants in a non-threatening manner make her sessions interactive, appreciative and leave a significant impact on participants. Keya’s coaching style marked by her incisive questioning skills and ability to help the client uncover root causes and take decisive action.
Keya has facilitated interventions for various corporate houses including Airtel, Alstom, Vodafone, NIIT, Steria, Wolters Kluwer, Hewitt Associates, Metlife, NDS, OSC Services Pvt Let, Times of India, Dr Reddy’s Laboratories, Maruti, etc to name a few.

Ken Thompson
International ConsultantKen Thompson is Managing Director of www.dashboardsimulations.com, who design and deliver custom and off-the-shelf team-based business simulation games for transformation learning using a unique methodology which blends Gamification, Informal Learning, Business Scorecards and Simulation Models.
Ken also delivers conference speeches, workshop facilitation and in-house consultancy in the areas of teams, networks, collaboration, based on 2 highly regarded books:
- BIOTEAMS "How to create high performance teams and virtual groups based on nature's most successful designs" (MK Press 2008)
- THE NETWORKED ENTERPRISE "Competing for the future through Virtual Enterprise Networks" (MK Press 2008)
- Goal Setting
- Communication in sales
- Setting Priorities- Sales
Ken blogs at www.bioteams.com and his work has been featured in The Guardian, Wired Magazine, The Henry Ford Magazine plus a number of management and leadership journals.
- LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bioteams
- Blog: www.bioteams.com
- Company Website: www.dashboardsimulations.com
- Books: http://www.bioteams.com/books.html
- NASA: https://vimeo.com/11269948
- Henry Ford Magazine: http://thehenryford.uberflip.com/i/315759/13
- Wired Magazine: http://archive.wired.com/science/discoveries/magazine/16-09/st_bugs
- Dilemma-based Design mini-talk: https://vimeo.com/99469721
- Game-based Learning mini-talk: https://vimeo.com/99218641
- The Bioteaming Manifesto: http://changethis.com/manifesto/show/19.BioteamingManifesto
- Institute for HealthCare Improvement (IHI) World Congress Dec 2013 Mini Course: System Simulators: The Theory and Practice http://www.bioteams.com/SimulationMiniCourseV0.4.pdf
- Webinar: Designing Business Simulation Games using STELLA®, iThink® and isee NetSim™ http://www.iseesystems.com/community/WebSeminars/DesigningBusinessGames.aspx

Wendy Shaw
International PartnerBe the difference that makes the difference
Wendy Shaw is an experienced trainer and professionally certified coaching consultant. Having worked in the Middle East for 11 years and previously in a Senior Management and HR advisory role with InterContinental Hotels Group, Wendy has experienced coaching both teams and individuals at all organizational levels.
A certified Trainer of NLP, Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy™ and member of the International Coach Federation, Wendy is passionate about developing people both as individual professionals and effective teams. Her experience with work and people management issues common to professionals in positions of authority adds to her skill in helping others navigate leadership, relationship, performance and communication challenges inherent in their roles.
In her work coaching executives, Wendy helps others become aware of self-limiting behaviors and attitudes, create a more positive self-image, explore the myths and beliefs that are undermining their effectiveness and develop both behaviors and strategies that enhance their success. She believes that you attract what you are… so be the best that you can in every area of your life!
What others say:
“Thank you for the excellent team sessions you conducted. The feedback I received from everyone was extremely positive and there is a new energy in the team. We have already changed our meeting style and have implemented an email free day – at last we are communicating effectively. We have certainly benefited from your superb coaching!”Thomas C van Opsal, Area Manager Abu Dhabi / General Manager, Sheraton Hotels Abu Dhabi
“Wendy is passionate, motivated and an experienced facilitator. I didn’t believe as a group we could learn so much from one day. We have grown individually as well as a team and have committed to keep the changes and apply the learnings. Thank you. You really are the difference that makes the difference.”Dorota, Beckton Dickinson
“The workshop was a fantastic experience and helped me position myself for success. What I really appreciated was Wendy’s learner focused approach; she conveyed a warm and completely genuine interest in helping others achieve their goals and objectives.”Jo Roest, DPQ
“Wendy is not only very professional, she is also very business oriented which is adding the requested extra dimension in today’s world where people and business are not always aiming for the same goals.”Yves, InterContinental Hotels Group
Wendy Shaw’s Programs & Topics
- Coaching to Improve Performance
- NLP Successful Selling
- Effective Communication Skills
- Effective People Management
- Team Building
- Leadership Development
- Service Excellence
- Train the Trainer Skills
- 360 Projects
Clients include:

Carol Talbot
For as long as she can remember Carol has had a personal passion to help others. Or more correctly, to help people help themselves. What gives Carol a 'buzz' is to make you think differently, and it doesn't stop there; Carol seeks to empower people and work with them to create and enhance their energy within so they get 'fired up' to take action.
The response to Carol as a motivational and subject matter speaker at conferences, events or workshops is always the same... 'WOW'!
Carol is a certified MASTER trainer of NLP and as MASTER fire-walk instructor, a real 'fire-starter', firing up teams and groups to walk across burning hot coals and breakthrough limitations and fears!
More and more Carol is drawn to speak, as she finds she can feed the energy in a room and lift the audience to higher levels. Carol, as you would expect, has delivered motivational speeches to large audiences across the five continents and motivated companies and staff at world class companies such as GE, Wrigley and Price Waterhouse Cooper as well as to groups such as the Entrepreneurs Organization & Young Presidents Organization.
But there is more to Carol than a motivational world class speaker that delivers on the day...her 'fire' is very specific, very special and creates a long term lasting powerful “ripple & wave like” effect. Carol refers to this as “starting the fire in you so you can ignite the fire in others! Now that's a special almost unique talent.
Carol Talbot’s
Programs & Topics:
- Leadership Speaker
- NLP Expert
- The Inner Leader
- A Head Start to Your Success
- Leading to Excellence
- Firewalk & Breakthrough Leader
- Author of Amazon Bestseller
Carol Talbot is an exceptional motivational speaker, creating an amazingly genuine communication with the audience who subsequently become raving fans and asking for more!- Jill Douka MBA, ACC, Better Life Day Founder , Athens, Greece
Know more about her...
Marc Hilderth
Director and Senior ConsultantMarc is a professional in the area of Learning, Development and Talent Management with over 15 years of Multi-national corporate experience in Organizational and Behavioral Learning strategy, Leadership Development, Management Consulting, International Project transition, and HR operations across diverse industries such as FMCG, BPO, Media, Telecom, ITES and Pharmaceuticals.
His approach to Learning and Development in organizations has been shaped by early experience in Line Leadership & Project Management roles. As a consequence he’s developed a holistic perspective of the L & D function; from inside operations as a customer, as a beneficiary, an L & D leader defining and implementing strategies and as a consultant responsible for planning, design, execution and evaluating overall effectiveness.
With a background in Sociology and a Masters in Psychology, his core competence is in the areas of Behavioral, Attitudinal and Skill Interventions for Organizations. The strength he brings is the energy and passion of delivery and the involvement in interventions. A significant dimension of this experience has been the development of Business Unit specific learning strategies in consultation with clients, key stakeholders and business leaders; in alignment with Organizational and Leadership goals.
As functional leader of Learning and Quality in global organisations, he’s gained significant insight and experience in formulating band wise learning frameworks and strategies as well as developing scalable models for rapid rollout on a large scale. In the process, he’s also gained unique perspectives on elements of the strategic HR value chain - from recruitment, through induction, technical & behavioral competence development, performance management, resource management to leadership development.
Besides spearheading Organizational Development projects across a range of industries, his experience of consulting in over 30 countries; and experience in working with the full range of Management - enable him to effectively adapt intervention content to global audiences. He’s executed consulting assignments with a number of organizations including Intercontinental Hotels Group, Microsoft, Pepsi, the United Nations, Orange, CSC, McKinsey Knowledge Center, Aviva, Whirlpool, JP Morgan, AT&T, Primus Telecom, Baxter, Arab Bank, Schering Plough (MSD), Estee Lauder Global, among others.
Areas of Expertise:
- Leadership Development Interventions
- Management Skill Development
- HR Linked Development tools
- Profiling instruments like the FIRO-B and Learning Inventories, etc.
Functional Expertise:
- Training & Development
- HR and Performance Management Systems
- Business Development
Industry Expertise:
- Pharmaceuticals
- Telecom
Select Certifications
- Coach for Life - International Executive Coaching Certification
- Lominger - Global Interview Architect and Behavioral Competencies
- Achieve Global - Tele-selling Program
- Microsoft’s - Global Diversity Program
Education and Associations
- BA Sociology –University of Delhi, India
- MA in Psychology –Mumbai, India

Sanjay Sunita
ConsultantWith over 20 years of Multinational Corporate experience, the last 5 of which has been with Training and Learning and Development; Sanjay brings experience, passion and high energy to his Learning Interventions.
A marketing, sales and communications professional, with a career spanning the Hospitality, Retail and IT Services he has worked in Operations and Quality extensively before moving to Training. The experience in Operations/Quality was instrumental in his move to Learning and Development, and has enabled him to drive Organizational and Business goals. His passion is working with people – to enhance capacity and enable them to identify their skills and potential, leveraging this factor in achieving organizational goals, and their own long term career goals.
He is a certified Orbitz World Wide (OWW) Master Trainer, and has managed the training functions of SERCO (Travel Operations) – handling the Ebookers UK and Ireland Travel Process across Communications, Sales, Customer Service and the Retention and Resolution Desk (RRD). He has partnered with the Ebookers and OWW clients for over a decade. In Operations, he initiated web chat sales, and has successfully trained and developed a team of web chat sales professionals. He is additionally a Competency Based Interviewer and has been instrumental in Recruitment for Operations and Training. As a part of the Assessment & Development Centre team, he has played a key role in assessing hi-potential candidates in various functions across varied processes. He has also developed and successfully delivered Attitude and Motivational modules focused at Sales professionals.
Core Strengths:
- Communication and Delivery
- Hospitality and Travel Industry Experience
- Customer Centric Sales
- Team Management Skills
- Assessment & Development Center tools
- Competency Development

Sugandh Gupta
ConsultantSugandh Gupta is a social psychologist and behavioral trainer working in both social and corporate space for over 5 years. Her interests include addressing psycho-social aspects of an organization system and enhancing subjective well-being of the personnel. Her principal focus is on helping employees and teams in organizational entities to remediate and prevent problems and develop their potentials.
With Wisnes, she engages in
- Corporate counseling and/or coaching,
- Mapping and managing organization culture-vision and mission,
- Addresses personal growth challenges and performance issues for team/individual,
- Drives research based solutions for leadership and team challenges by creating customized psychometric tools and
- Conducts small and large group assessments.
Being a psychologist and certified Life Coach from the International Coach Federation, USA, she also offers one to one sessions for performance management, leadership development and challenges of everyday living.
As an enthusiastic writer, she has contributed extensively to the field of Social Sciences and Organization Behavior. Sugandh has written white papers on alternate models of functional systems, executive coaching, impact of organizational vision and organizational culture. Her articles and editorials are available on various academic portals and she also contributed to the book, Coaching: The Art of Developing Leaders along with writing for numerous issues of the psychology magazine PsyInsight.
She can be reached at sugandh@wisnes.in
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